Sexy Sunday! Little Birds by Anaïs Nin

It's Sunday near the end of Lent, so what else could I have possibly read except some hard-core erotica by one of the world's foremost feminist writers? Yes, it's Sexy Sunday again, and Nicole of The Bookworm Drinketh has posted her own take on this book - and her alcoholic escape - over at her … Continue reading Sexy Sunday! Little Birds by Anaïs Nin

The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

The premise of this novel, The Little Paris Bookshop, is that books are medicine for the heart and the soul. I love that idea and believe it's true. Books have been my constant companion since childhood, my comfort when sad, and my solace when all hope seemed lost. I remember my grandmother, Nana Jean, reading … Continue reading The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George