Episode 9 of “Cooking the Books” Podcast Now Online!

The latest episode of "Cooking the Books" Podcast just dropped, and it's a good one! We're talking green chile, blue corn, witches and mysticism, one of my exes and his hilarious dislike of the writer, and the author himself, my friend, the late, great Rudolfo Anaya, so give it a listen! https://anchor.fm/cookingthebooks/episodes/Bless-Me--ltima-and-the-Spiritual-Bliss-of-Blue-Corn-Cakes-ejm5qp

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-García

I'm as guilty as the next person of judging. I judge wine by the label on the bottle, musical artists by genre, and of course, books by their covers. In this case, can you blame me? The cover for Mexican Gothic is stunningly beautiful and hits me on all my levels: aesthetic, moody, mysterious, and … Continue reading Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-García