Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres

No doubt many people saw the mediocre movie made from this book  Corelli's Mandolin,  beautifully filmed but as usual, not nearly as compelling as the book, which is written in lively, colorful prose from the viewpoint of several unique characters. These unique individuals include the main female character Pellagia, a traditionally raised Greek daughter who … Continue reading Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres

The Secret Supper by Javier Sierra

The Last Supper, that immortal painting by the equally immortal Leonardo da Vinci, always fascinated me, even as a child. Just looking at it takes you into that world, sitting beside Jesus, watching the disciples react to the news he would soon die, and noticing the amazing details of the work itself. Reading The Secret Supper … Continue reading The Secret Supper by Javier Sierra

Sexy Sunday! Exit to Eden by Anne Rampling (Anne Rice)

WARNING: THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS VERY EXPLICIT SEXUAL REFERENCES AND LANGUAGE! LUCKY YOU! So Nicole at The Bookworm Drinketh and I are doin' the sexy, not like that, you perverts! We're revitalizing our blog collaboration Sexy Sunday, where we read a book notorious for its sex scenes, she blogs it in conjunction with a … Continue reading Sexy Sunday! Exit to Eden by Anne Rampling (Anne Rice)

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

It took me awhile to read this book, though it had been recommended by numerous friends and fellow bloggers. There are some seriously good food mentions in this book, which is partly why I read it three times. Also, it's just an addictive read. The gist of the book is thus: As a teen, Theo … Continue reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis

In memory of my beloved grandfather Tito Baca, who lived his life to the fullest. Just like Zorba. Zorba the Greek is a man well known to me. This book, as well as the movie, was something I read as a teenager, not really "getting" it, but when I came across a used edition in … Continue reading Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Photography by me. It’s a simple premise. Imagine that all the gods of ancient mythology and all the characters of folklore – we’re talking Anubis, Odin, Kali, Johnny Appleseed, John Bunyan, the Easter Bunny……well, maybe not quite a rabbit  -from every background and corner of the globe, actually existed and are still alive today, waging … Continue reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

Do you know what it's like to read a book and have it haunt you, like a whisper or the faint hint of perfume in an empty room? I've always been possessed by the gorgeous Gothic-ness of Rebecca, which has mystery, ghosts, passionate love and a big, haunted house. And then of course, the most … Continue reading Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier