The Shining by Stephen King

Thanks to CHC for the photography.

I don’t think Stephen King has ever been accused of being a foodie, though he is most certainly the most visceral writer I’ve ever encountered. I’ve been reading his books since my early teens, starting with The Shining, as well as many others. But the story of the Torrance family remains my absolute favorite of all of his books. I have a thing for books that make the setting, the place, the hotel or house, as much a character as the people. Shirley Jackson did it with great style in The Haunting of Hill House, which I blogged about a few months back if you want to give it a whirl. Edgar Allan Poe did it with The Fall of the House of Usher. And then there’s the Overlook Hotel.

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Jack Torrance is one of the more interesting characters in literature. He is, for the most part, in tune with his own worst instincts……except for when he drinks. His intelligence makes him arrogant, yet he does truly care for his family. But it only takes a small chink in one’s armor for the enemy to pierce us, and this is what the spirit of the hotel does to him. It gets into Jack’s soul, tempts and taints him with liquor and with his violent, shadow side, and all goes to hell. His son, Danny, is the polar opposite. He is already in touch with his own shadow side, in the form of Tony, his “imaginary friend,” who is the actual, psychic side of Danny’s mind. In a sense, though their conflict takes violent place very much in the physical realm, the conflict is also mental, as both Jack’s and Danny’s emotionally tortured psyches also do battle.2016-10-09-19-39-45_resized

If you’ve read this book (or seen the Kubrick film), you know the story trajectory and I won’t bore you with a lengthy description. In a nutshell, the Torrance family is on their financial last legs and Jack Torrance accepts a job to be the winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel, just he, his wife Wendy and their son, Danny, who is psychic and whose power is referred to as “the shining.”


I will say, however, that Kubrick’s notoriously misogynistic tendencies turned the film character of Wendy into a shrieking, nagging, needy harridan whom you almost wanted to see get chopped to bits. In the book, she’s tough, resourceful and sharp, still a bit on the weak side as she herself acknowledges. But it’s she who mostly saves the day in the book. Her transformation at Kubrick’s hands in the film makes her nearly unrecognizable, and which is annoying, because it’s certainly possible to have feelings of weakness and inadequacy and still find your inner strength and kick ass. Which Wendy does.


Rereading this book in the here and now was fascinating. It was published nearly 30 years ago, and there are some seriously dated references that are hugely entertaining to read about. For example, when Halloran, the seasonal cook, is showing the family around the kitchen and letting them see the bounty of food he’s left them to get through the winter, he mentions something called a “Table Talk pie.” According to Google, it’s a prepackaged miniature fruit pie that was sold along the east coast. Another scene, kind of the calm before the storm, is when Wendy goes downstairs to make Danny some lunch after he’s seen the woman in Room 217 and Jack has started his spiral into menacing madness. She prepares canned tomato soup and a cheese omelette in a state of of nerves and terror.


“She opened the can and dropped the slightly jellied contents into a saucepan. PLOP. She went to the refrigerator and got milk and eggs for the omelet. Then to the walk-in freezer for cheese. All these actions, so common and so much a part of her life before the Overlook, had been a part of her life, helped to calm her. She melted butter in the frying pan, diluted the soup with milk, then poured the beaten eggs into the pan. A sudden feeling that someone was standing behind her, reaching for her throat.”


It reminded me of when I was a little girl and my paternal grandmother, Nana Baca, would make me canned soup and bologna and cheese sandwiches on white bread, cut into triangles. Good stuff! I don’t buy canned soup these days, just because I prefer the taste of homemade (and it’s healthier, too). But I decided a reworking of the classic canned tomato soup and cheese omelette was in order here.


Nothing goes quite so well with tomatoes as basil, and a creamy tomato basil bisque fit the bill perfectly, along with a cheese and broccoli egg frittata, which is like an omelette for kitchen idiots like me who can’t do the omelette flip without dropping the eggs on the floor. Basically, you mix the egg with the steamed broccoli, cooked ham, milk, sharp cheddar cheese, salt and pepper, put into a skillet and heat until the bottom has set, then put into the oven under broiler until the entire concoction sets. Super easy and you don’t have to worry about doing the damn omelette fold.

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Here is the soup method that worked for me, based on my own trial and error of making this soup for over 10 years. I think I’ve got it down pat, but feedback is always appreciated.

3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 can San Marzano-style crushed tomatoes


4-5 ripe Campari tomatoes
1 medium white onion, finely diced


4 baby carrots, very finely diced
1 small can tomato juice
1 cup sherry
1 and 1/2 cups heavy cream


2 tablespoons chicken bouillon paste
1 tomato bouillon cube
1 tablespoon dried parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Handful of fresh basil leaves

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In a skillet, saute the onion and carrot together in the butter and olive oil. The reason for adding carrot is because oftentimes, tomatoes can be overly acidic and adding sugar eliminates that acid. However, it’s much healthier and tastier to add carrot, which has natural sugar and offsets the acidity just as well.

Roughly chop the Campari tomatoes, and add them, along with the the canned San Marzano tomatoes, to the onion and carrot. Stir to combine.


Add the chicken bouillon paste and the tomato bouillon cube. Taste again. Add in the can of tomato juice here.

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Add in the sherry at this point, taste yet again for seasoning, toss in some of the fresh basil, and add salt and pepper if needed. It may or may not need it, depending on your taste palate.


Let everything simmer together for a good 40 minutes. Then bust out the stick blender and go to town! Blitz it all until you have a soup the color and consistency of red velvet. Yum!

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At this point, add the heavy cream, swirling in gently and stirring. Turn off the heat, cover and let the flavors mix.


Taste for seasoning, though it probably won’t need anything. Decant into small bowls, garnished with the rest of the fresh basil, and serve alongside the frittata. Eat with happiness. Be happy you’re not trapped in a blizzard in the Overlook Hotel with a madman and ……..horror of horrors………CANNED SOUP!

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18 thoughts on “The Shining by Stephen King

  1. I reread and listened to “Pet Sematary” audio book. Louis found a blue marble of Ellie’s Gage swallowed in the kid’s diapers when he was changing him. Then he serves his 2 year old son hot dogs and beans. Not only are hotdogs empty nutrition wise, kids under age 4 shouldn’t get them because of choking risk. I would think Louis would know about kids and hotdogs because he is a doctor.


  2. The book “Firestarter” mentions chicken with gravy, hot biscuits, dill pickles, and Apple pie with cheddar on it. Burgers and fries are also mentioned.

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  3. In “Pet Sematary” Ring-Dings, oatmeal cookies, and Micheloeb beer are mentioned too. Ellie is also troubled when she sees a mall Santa eating a cheeseburger because she was at an age when belief in Santa Claus is encouraged. Off topic: Santa’s spirit exists year round when we are decent to each other. Louis also ordered a pizza from Napoli restaurant but was late in picking it up. My family is never late to pick up a pizza!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Try reading “Pet Sematary” for food. He mentions characters eating spy apples and meatloaf sandwiches on Roman meal bread with onions. There is also the funeral food that includes quiche, apples, key lime pie, and a platter of meats and cheese. Speaking of cheese, rat cheese is mentioned too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the comment. I actually read Pet Sematary many years ago and it is one of the very few Stephen King books that I don’t think I could ever go back to read. It was just so horrifying to me. But I do remember all the great food references as well. Maybe I’ll get up the nerve to reread it one of these days and do a blog post on it. 😊


    1. Thank you! I have a predilection for using big words…..see, I did it again. 🙂 And canned soup is a horror, unless you’re using it in cooking. Glad you enjoyed the post, Jade!


  5. Great writing Vanessa. I think we all started reading King when we were teens, he scared the living daylights out of me, but still I needed more, hehe. This looks very delicious, and what a good idea to add carrots instead of sugar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! Poe, King and Dean Koontz were my unholy trinity of favorite horror authors when I was young, so rereading this definitely brought back memories. Thanks for your feedback and support! The carrots definitely add something to the flavor, and I try to avoid processed sugar as much as possible, so in addition to adding the necessary sweetness to offset the tomato acidity, they also add to the healthiness and taste. So we’re all happy! Glad you enjoyed the post.

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  6. Mr King! I devoured most of his books when I was at high school. For many years I thought he was my favourite writer ever! Weird thing is, last month I read The Needful Things again – and did not feel excited about it at all. What a shame! I had been so looking forward to it. Have to try with a couple more of his books…
    I add sherry to my tomato soup as well – it makes a huuuuge difference. Don’t use carrots though… have to try! I guess they add sweetness?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t Stephen King the greatest? But I can understand the issue with Needful Things. Sometimes we’re so excited to read a book and it just doesn’t live up to the hype. I guess even Stephen King can have a off book once in awhile right? 😉 As far as the carrots go, they helped by adding sweetness and offsetting the acidity in the tomatoes. I don’t like the acidity that you get in some tomatoes and this is much healthier than using regular sugar. As always thank you for stopping by and I greatly appreciate the feedback and support!

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